Open Banking

We use the best of the best open banking API to securely connect your bank account so we can safely analyse your web3 credit score.

We only ever have access to your balances, account details and transactions (so your shopping, rent, the ever so important Netflix subscription, etc.)

To learn more about it, below is a link that highlights who we use (Nordigen) and that it meets PSD2 standards with the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority)

Open Source Code

Whilst we are still building out the platform, we aim for it to be open-source so any developer can contribute or build on us.

We are planning to build out on the Ethereum network and, especially after the merge, are excited to see how we can build better and bring in the best developers to help us with our project.

Machine learning

Our CTO (the tech wizard 🧙‍♂️) created a machine learning algorithm to determine based on your account transactions, how much would you be eligible for, at what rate and how much collateral to put down.

Traditional finance (your banks, your credit agencies, etc.) literally take hours or days to check your credit score and history (even though it is literally the most basic of conditional code full of ifs, else, elif’s, thens.)

Our model is much more robust, taking into account everything financial, no matter how big or little, and giving you a fully accurate overview of your credit worthiness (without the weird credit hacks such as voting which somehow makes you more credit worthy?)